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About Frances

Frances Nunziata was first elected as School Board Trustee in 1985. Previous to the amalgamation of Metropolitan Toronto, Nunziata served as City of York Councillor from 1988 – 1994 and the Mayor of York from 1994 - 1997. Frances is presently a City of Toronto Councillor representing York South-Weston since 1997. With nearly 40 years of uninterrupted civic service, Frances has the knowledge and experience to effectively advocate for the residents of Ward 5.

Nunziata has a strong voice at City Hall through her role as Speaker of Toronto City Council; a position for which she has been elected by Council for the past 14-years. As the longest-serving member of Council, Frances’s success is rooted in her fierce belief that a key part of an elected official’s job is to directly serve constituents.

Key Accomplishments Include:

  1. Successfully advocating for the development of a new George Brown College satellite campus in Mount Dennis.

  2. Effectively advocating for affordable housing via:

    a) the MURA Program with the recent acquisition of a multi-unit building (to be operated by Wigwamen Inc.); and

    b) shovels in the ground in part through Federal funding that helped construct 126 new affordable housing units geared to seniors (2346 Weston Rd) and additional funding that financed an elevator repair and modernization project that serve 248 affordable rental units (33 Gabian Way).

  3. Negotiating with the Province to locate a Union-Pearson Express stop in Weston; and further advocating for additional stops.

Committees & Boards

Including her role as Speaker of Toronto City Council, Councillor Nunziata is appointed to a number of key committees and boards. This includes the Planning and Housing Committee, which is principally concerned with urban form and housing development in the City. This particular Committee has the added responsibility of assisting the Mayor to achieve her new initiative of building 25,000 affordable rental homes in addition to the 40,000 affordable rental units the City has already committee to build by 2031.

Councillor is also appointed to the Etobicoke York Community Council, which is responsible for making recommendations and decision on planning and development, traffic plans and parking regulations within the Etobicoke York District. The Councillor also serves on the Audit Committee and the George Bell Arena Board of Management.

Business Improvement Areas Ward 5

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“ My philosophy as a Councillor is to remain accountable to the citizens that I serve.

While I believe that local representatives must be accessible to their constituents, I also recognize the need to be morally and fiscally responsible to the municipality as a whole.

Decisions made by Council affect the community at its core and the individuals that comprise that community. ”

— Councillor Frances Nunziata